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Vascular and Renal Pathophysiology
NextGen Precision Health
Medical Pharmacology & Physiology Department
Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine Department
University of Missouri - Columbia
Current Members

Education and Training
BSc (Hons), Pharmacology (1996)
College of Medicine, University of Lagos, Nigeria
PhD, Reproductive Pharmacology (2004)
Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Vascular Physiology (2009)
College of Medicine, University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Memphis TN, USA
Adebowale Adebiyi, PhD
(Principal Investigator)
NextGen Precision Health Investigator
Professor, Medical Pharmacology & Physiology
Russell D. and Mary B. Shelden Missouri Chair in Anesthesiology

Education and Training
MBBS (2006) Madras Medical College, India
MD– Physiology (2010) Christian Medical College, India
PhD, Physiology (2018) University of Otago, New Zealand
Praghalathan Kanthakumar, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor

Education and Training
BSc, University of Delhi, India (2006)
MSc, Biotechnology (2009) Kumaun University, India
PhD, Zoology (2018) Banaras Hindu University, India
Ravi Kumar, PhD
Postdoctoral Scholar

Education and Training
BSc, Physiology (2006) University of Ilorin, Nigeria
MSc, Physiology (2012) University of Ilorin, Nigeria
PhD, Physiology (2018)University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Olugbenga Michael, PhD
Postdoctoral Scholar

Education and Training
BSc, Biochemistry (1996) University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh
PhD, Physiology (2008) Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia
Md. Abdul Hye Khan, PhD
Assistant Professor

Education and Training
DVM, (2014) Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
PhD, (2021) Universidad de Extremadura, Spain

Education and Training
BSc, Physiology (2010) University of Benin, Nigeria
MSc, Physiology (2015) University of Benin, Nigeria
PhD, Physiology (2019) University of Benin, Nigeria /Augusta University, Augusta, GA
Julia Estibaliz de la Cruz Conty, DVM, PhD
Postdoctoral Scholar
Olufunke (Lola) Arishe, PhD
Postdoctoral Scholar

Education and Training
BS, Cell & Molecular Biology (2017)
University of Tennessee, Martin TN, USA
Jada Williams, BS
Graduate Student (PhD)

Education and Training
DVM (2014) University of Ibadan, Nigeria
MSc (2017) University of Ibadan, Nigeria
Olufunke Falayi, DVM, MSc
Graduate Student (PhD)
Past Members
Hitesh Soni, PhD (Postdoc and Instructor)
Current Position: Director In Vivo Pharmacology, Tectonic Therapeutic, Inc., Boston, MA
Anberitha Matthews, PhD (Postdoc)
Current Position: Scientific Writer, Baptist Memorial Health Care Corporation, Memphis, TN
Dieniffer Peixoto-Neves, PhD (Postdoc)
Current Position: Instructor of Physiology, University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Memphis, TN
Pratheesh Mankuzhy, PhD (Postdoc)
Current Position: Assistant Professor, Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, India
Mina Fanous, MD (Clinical Fellow)
Current Position: Pediatric Intensivist, Stormont Vail Health Hospitals and Health Care, Topeka, KS
Roberto Pontes Jr., PhD (Postdoc)
Current Position: Postdoctoral Scholar, University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Memphis, TN
Samson Iwhiwhu, MBBS, MPH (Postdoc)
Current Position: Senior Research Assistant, Endocrinology, University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Memphis, TN
Jeremiah Afolabi, DVM, MVSc, PhD (Graduate Student)
Current Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN
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